Glue Mobile has sued Hothead Games for copyright and trade dress infringement for the alleged reskinning of Deer Hunter 2014, Glu’s FPS hunting simulation mobile game. Hothead’s game, Kill…
This article explains the numerous high-profile Right of Publicity lawsuits filed recently and the most common pitfalls that arise when a game developer wants to use a real person's likeness in…
This article explains why your videos get flagged by Google’s automated copyright scanning system, what you can do if your video is erroneously flagged, and how you can fight back…
In May 2009, Xio released Mino, a game wholly inspired by Tetris. Apparently banking on the three-decade history of courts dismissing copyright lawsuits against accused cloners, Xio brazenly copied the…
Here, I explain the six options game developers should consider to protect their intellectual property after someone has infringed it, and I give real-world examples of video game companies doing…