Blog, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Video Game LawMarch 24, 2019Pubg & Netease Settle “Battle Royale”” copyright lawsuit
Blog, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Video Game LawJanuary 15, 2019Rapper 2 milly sues fornite over use of the “Milly Rock”
Blog, Business News, Copyright, Intellectual Property, TrademarkApril 3, 2017Black Moon Cosmetics sues Manny MUA and Jeffree Star for trademark infringement
Blog, Intellectual Property, TrademarkJanuary 17, 2017Is the “Legacy” genre of board games protected by trademark or patent?
Blog, Business News, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Video Game LawNovember 20, 2014Makers of Kill Shot mobile game sued for allegedly copying Deer Hunter
Blog, Intellectual Property, Video Game LawNovember 18, 2014Right of Publicity in Video Games – How You Can Legally Include a Celebrity in Your Game
Blog, Intellectual Property, Video Game LawJanuary 1, 2014Responding to Intellectual Property Theft Without Damaging Your Company’s Reputation